
My name is Matthew Ogilvie. As a Krav Maga instructor, I have been privileged to have trained under people like Jack Bolowskie (Krav Maga DFW), Itay Gil (Protect Krav Maga, Israel), Graham Lockhart (Protect Krav Maga New Zealand) and Deb Smith (Next Generation Krav Maga). There are many other good Krav Maga master teachers out there, but the ones I admire most are those who are not dogmatic about what has worked in the past, but instead think it should be open to new techniques that work best for now and the future.

As a practitioner, I trained between 2006 and 2009 at Krav Maga DFW under Jack Bolowskie and his team. I have also done training with the International Krav Maga federation and Tactical Krav Maga (New Zealand).

Baseball bat defense
As an instructor, I hold an instructor's diploma from Tel Aviv University and I am certified as a children's instructor by Next Generation Krav Maga. I also hold a second instructor's diploma from Protect Krav Maga.

As a  "day job" I'm a university professor. I have a passion for teaching and I enjoy teaching Krav Maga. What matters to me most is that Krav Maga is a practical fighting system. While I have a lot of respect for traditional martial arts, Krav Maga is all martial, no art. I appreciate how we go straight into hands-on, real-life fighting skills. I've got a lot from Krav Maga -- practical fighting skills, physical fitness and personal confidence that affects my personal and work life. Krav Maga has been great for me all-round and that's why I have a passion for sharing it with others. Right now I am teaching Krav Maga at the Fremantle campus of University of Notre Dame, Australia.
West Bank, 2008

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